1. Access the Content tab in your D2L Brightspace course shell. Add a module to the left-hand navigation bar by clicking Add a module… and give it a name.
2. Inside your new module, select External Learning Tools from the Existing Activities drop down menu.
3. Scroll down, and select peerScholar.
4. Under the arrow to the right of your new peerScholar tool link, click Edit Properties In-Place.
5. Rename the peerScholar activity link by clicking on it, add dates and restrictions, or add a description.
*** We recommend checking Open as External Resource as it will allow you and your students access to view the tool in its own full-screen page
6. Access peerScholar by clicking on the link or by selecting View Topic under the arrow to the right.
7. An activity selector will open where you can choose between adding a New Activity (default) or Copy Activity.
Adding a new activity allows you to choose between 3 types of activities to build: Classic Activity (Individual), Case Study, and Group Work.
Copying an activity allows you to duplicate a previous activity from any of your courses
(NOTE: settings will carry over, but student data will not)